In a few words, the story is that a Galaxy class Federation starship encounters a Borg cube. The cube locks it with a tractor beam and begins boarding the ship.
In order to win, Federation's goal is to get on-board the Borg cube and disable the 3 main threats:
1. The cutting beam - to stop the damage to their hull.
2. The warp engines - to prevent the Borg from following them.
3. The tractor beam - in order to set themselves free, go to warp and win.
Borg's goals are:
1. Deploy alcoves on fixed positions aboard the Galaxy starship (above the Galaxy's shuttle bay, in the transporting room) - they will serve as spawn and/or teleporting points for the borg.
2. Disable Galaxy's shields
3. Capture the ship's bridge.
The objectives may change in time, depending on what ideas I find more interesting.
I wanted to make this level based on Warfare gameplay type, but UDK doesn't provide this, so I'm using a modified version of the team deathmatch script (by adding this line "bSpawnInTeamArea=true" so the teams don't switch the spawn points).
Galaxy's Shuttlebay.
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